Little Silver Pediatrics and Family Medicine • 200 White Road • Suite 212 • Little Silver, NJ 07739 732-741-5600

There is no greater joy in life than feeling your little one kick, punch, and squirm inside you. Pregnancy is an exciting experience, and for some it may be an entirely new experience. Many soon-to-be-mothers stay up late reading every baby book they can get their hands on, which usually happens the second a baby is on the way. At this time, it’s very easy for mothers to worry if their not experiencing fetal movement during pregnancy, at a “text book” rate. Don’t let this be a moment of panic. Know that every baby acts differently and be sure to go to your regularly scheduled checkups for added peace of mind.
Baby Movements in the First Trimester ensures that you shouldn’t worry if you haven’t felt any baby movements in the first trimester. Your baby is still so small and buried deep in your womb that even if he or she is moving around it’s just impossible to feel.
As a mom-to-be you are probably wondering when you will first feel any of those little kicks or thumb sucking movements, known as quickening. It’s common for very thin women and women who have previously had children to experience baby movements in early stages of pregnancy. Some pregnant women may not even realize the quickening is happening, due to the subtle light movement.
Fetal Movements in the Second Trimester
By the fifth month of pregnancy, most women have now felt their baby kicking and punching. As they continue to grow, they will continue to move – but don’t worry when the little one stops for a break. They need to rest, too.
During month six, you are officially experiencing fetal movements in the second trimester. This is when your baby starts picking up the pace. Leg and arm movements become more in sync with a certain type of pattern. Your baby starts to recognize your daily movements; whether you’re sitting at your desk, running errands, or exercising during pregnancy. These familiar movements put him or her at ease. As a result your baby will be at his or her most active state the moment you settle down.
Baby Movements in the Third Trimester
According to the Mayo Clinic, fetal development continues rapidly during the third trimester. Your baby will begin to open his or her eyes and gain substantial weight in preparation for delivery. While your baby is getting bigger, he or she is also getting stronger. Baby movements in the third trimester, will not be as soothing as the first or second trimester. Your womb is getting very tight. You will easily notice if your baby has a case of the hiccups or if he or she needs to stretch.
By the ninth month, baby movements are at their peak. Every move could potentially be quite strong and sometimes even painful. It’s important to know that each baby and pregnancy is different, so there is no need to compare with friends or previous pregnancies. Each month will bring increased movements from your baby. Keep your doctor informed on any changes but, most importantly, enjoy the bond you begin to form with your baby.
If you are pregnant, we encourage you to speak with your obstetrician or family doctor.
If you live in the area, call us and schedule an appointment with our Board-Certified pediatrics or family practice doctors to learn more about fetal movements during pregnancy. We will gladly assist you. Now you know about fetal movement during pregnancy, pass it on!